Friday, September 20, 2024

Sentimental journey (Harpers Bizarre) (LP 2704)

Harpers Bizarre  The Secret Life Of Harpers Bizarre (Vinyl, Warner Bros. Records, 1968) ***  


Places I remember: Slowboat Records

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Bye Bye Bye

Gear costume: Green Apple Tree

Active compensatory factors: The cover implies a 1968 trip (maan) but this is strictly squaresville - in a good way!!

I've mentioned Harpers Bizarre previously and their straight world. For some reason I have a real soft spot for their groovy, deeply uncool, harmonies.

This was their third album, displaying what the AllMusic reviewer called their 'mildly eccentric soft rock direction, remaining as mildly eccentric [as] ever, but growing ever softer'.

Do I care a jot? Nope!! Bring on the harpsichord, the massed 'ooohs', the awkward ornate arrangements, the hushed strings!! More! More!

Where do they all belong? Actively looking for more Harpers Bizarre!

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