Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What happens now? (Porcupine Tree) (LP 2705)

Gavin Harrison  Cheating The Polygraph (CD, KScope Records, 2015) ***  

GenreJazz; prog rock 

Places I remember: Fopp

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: What Happens Now?

Gear costume: Heartattack In A Layby

Active compensatory factors: If instrumental big band versions of Porcupine Tree songs is your idea of a fun time, then look no further than Cheating The Polygraph (named after a Porcupine Tree song on Nil Recurring).

Gavin Harrison is a polymath drummer widely used in prog circles. He has extensive history with Steven Wilson, has played in King Crimson and is currently in Pineapple Thief. He knows what he's about.

He takes a bit of a back seat on this set, a labour of love - no drum solos for Gav, thank goodness. Instead, he's along for the ride with some ace session jazzers. His dad would be proud of the effort.

Where do they all belong? A one off, filed in the pop rock alphabeticals.

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