Saturday, September 7, 2024

Back Together Again (Hall & Oates) (LP 2692)

Daryl Hall & John Oates  Bigger Than Both Of Us (Vinyl, RCA Records, 1976) ***  

Genre: Pop

Places I remember: Spellbound Wax Company

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Rich Girl

Gear costume: Back Together Again

Active compensatory factors: This was their fifth studio album together and the slick years were almost upon us. Rich Girl is a brilliant single - easily the best song on the album.

I only own two Hall & Oates albums, this one and the far superior Abandoned Luncheonette. Jacky did have a copy of H2O when I met her but it slipped into the to-be-sold pile in the mid eighties.

Where do they all belong? That's it for the duo who have parted acrimoniously these days and have vowed never get back together again. Ironic, given the title of this album, and a shame when that happens to erstwhile friends/musical partners. Money doesn't talk, it swears (Dylan).

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