Saturday, September 7, 2024

Second balcony jump (Dexter Gordon) (LP 2691)

Dexter Gordon Go (Vinyl, Blue Note Records, 1962) ****  


Places I remember: JB Hi Fi

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Cheese Cake

Gear costume: Love For Sale

Active compensatory factors: I didn't know much about Dexter Gordon's Go aside from the fact that it's a big shot in jazz circles, so when I saw this in JB Hi-Fi recently I needed to Google the album while browsing. The 5 star reviews from Downbeat, Rolling Stone and AllMusic were enough for me.
From the first moments when Dexter Gordon sails into the opening song full of brightness and confidence, it is obvious that Go is going to be one of those albums where everything just seems to come together magically. A stellar quartet including the stylish pianist Sonny Clark, the agile drummer Billy Higgins, and the solid yet flexible bassist Butch Warren are absolutely crucial in making this album work, but it is still Gordon who shines (AllMusic)
It's as good as the reviews promised, too. 

Where do they all belong? A winner! Into the jazz collection it goes.

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