Saturday, September 21, 2024

Back at the depot (Alex Harvey) (LP 2706)

Alex Harvey - The New Band  The Mafia Stole My Guitar (Vinyl, RCA Records, 1979) **** 

Genre: rock 

Places I remember: Spellbound Wax Company

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Wait For Me Mama

Gear costume: The Mafia Stole My Guitar

Active compensatory factors: This was the last album released before he died in 1982 and, perversely, it's the only Alex Harvey album I own.

I'm not sure why I missed him along the critical collecting years of the seventies. Maybe he was just quirky enough, or obscure enough for me to pass him by. By all accounts he's a sensational artist with a sensational band, so - one of life's mysteries why he wasn't huge.

This is a very good album. Alex sounds unhinged at times - always an appeal. Seriously! Artists on the edge, doing their own thing and bugger the consequences are always bound to produce singular work. 

Where do they all belong? Even so, I'm not sure I'll be looking for other Sensational Alex Harvey Band albums, however, I'm glad I've got this one.

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