Monday, December 7, 2020

Is this what you want? (Jackie Lomax) (LP 514 - 515)

Jackie Lomax Is This What You Want? (Vinyl, Apple Records, 1969) ****

Jackie Lomax Did You Ever Have That Feeling? (Vinyl, Capitol Records, 1977) ***

Genre: Apple Records/Dark Horse etc 

Places I remember: Marbecks Records (Auckland); Real Groovy (Auckland)

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles
: Fall Inside Your Eyes

Gear costume: Speak To Me, Sour Milk Sea

Active compensatory factors: The Apple Records one is a noteworthy album for Beatle completists as it was produced by George, and both Paul and Ringo also appear.

It's also a damn fine rock album. Jackie's vocals are drenched in soul and R'n'B and the songs are memorable and catchy, plus the musicians are all rock gods! How could it go wrong?

Well, it was probably too much of a good thing at the time, because it had little commercial appeal outside of Beatle obsessives. Weird.

Where do they all belong? 
After leaving Apple his records were good but not great so I only have this one from the late seventies to add to the collection.

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