Wednesday, May 6, 2020

In the real world (Roy Orbison) (LP 413)

Roy Orbison Mystery Girl (Vinyl, Virgin, 1989) ****

Genre: Rock 'n' Roll legends 

Places I remember: Marbecks Records

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: A Love So Beautiful

Gear costume:  In The Real World, California Blue 

Active compensatory factors: 
Recorded around the time of his involvement with The Traveling Wilburys, the record includes most of the Wilburys in some form or another, including George Harrison.

The ballads are what I love about this record (see Gear and Fab above). The man could wrench so much emotion out of the words. 

The second side isn't as strong as the first, and the last three songs are the reason this isn't a five star classic, but there is enough magic in the rest of the album to be considered flawed genius.

Where do they all belong?  A month after releasing this album, Roy was dead from a heart attack. Aged only 52.

As a record this became a fitting tribute to his greatness. Those pipes!!

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