Sunday, July 14, 2024

Straight up and down (Eric Dolphy) (LP 2620 - 2621)

Keith Jarrett  Eyes Of The Heart (Vinyl, ECM Records, 1979) ****  

Eric Dolphy  Out To Lunch! (Vinyl, Blue Note Records, 1964) ****  


Places I remember: My Music Taupo

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Eyes Of The Heart (part 1)

Gear costume: Out To Lunch (Eric Dolphy)

Active compensatory factors
: Eyes Of The Heart is a live album (from a concert in Austria) featuring Keith Jarrett on piano (obviously) and soprano sax (less obviously).

He is joined by three brilliant musicians: Paul Motian on drums; Charlie Haden on bass, and Dewey Redman on tenor sax. All three have a sizable catalogue of their own albums.

I was thrilled to find a copy of this in the secondhand bins at My Music Taupo. It's an unusual record - three sides are from the live concert and the fourth side is blank.

It's basically two songs - Eyes Of The Heart takes over the first two sides and Encore is on side 3. Both start off in one direction but each one twists, turns, and launches off in different directions. I was hooked from the start of the title track.

Out To Lunch! is a jazz classic from the year of Beatlemania and, previously, a glaring omission from my collection. Interestingly, it's his only album for Blue Note as a leader.

It's a challenging album to listen in some regards but, like Trout Mask Replica, when you settle in and accept that Dolphy is doing his free form thing and don't fight it, the music opens up. Multiple listens are required. I can see myself coming back to this one many times for the interplay between the instruments. 

Normally, I find the trumpet and vibes a challenge, but Freddy Hubbard and Bobby Hutcherson respectively, embellish Dolphy's bass clarinet and alto sax brilliantly.

Where do they all belong? A couple of great additions to my jazz collection.

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