Thursday, July 4, 2024

Honest man (Lowell George) (LP 2612)

Lowell George  Thanks I'll Eat It Here (Vinyl, Warner Bros Records, 1974) ****  

Genre: rock

Places I remember: Record fair

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Two Trains

Gear costume: What Do You Want The Girl To Do 

Active compensatory factors: Lowell's only solo album is always interesting and worthwhile. 

Given he was the main man in Little Feat until his death, he doesn't stray too far from that signature sound of early Little Feat. Two Trains is a highlight here because it's a great song, and it's a well-known Little Feat song.

His liner notes indicate it took over two years to produce and it seems that most of the west coast's top musicians played on it at some point. Given that, it doesn't feel overcooked, disconnected or meandering. In fact, it sounds like a sequel to Dixie Chicken if anything.

I like most of the cover versions but Himmler's Ring feels out of place and vaguely icky. Best skip that one if listening via Spotify.

Where do they all belong? A real one off.

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