Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Dizzy heights (Dana Gillespie) (LP 2619)

Dana Gillespie  Weren't Born A Man (Vinyl, RCA Records, 1974) ***  


Places I remember: RCA music club

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Andy Warhol (Bowie/ The Spiders From Mars and Rick Wakeman appear on this one)

Gear costume: Mother, Don't Be Frightened (Spiders and Wakeman present on this one too)

Active compensatory factors: I suspect, like a lot of people, I got this in 1973 because of the Bowie/ Ronson/ Spiders From Mars connection.

I appreciate this album more as the years go by. Her career certainly flourished in different directions after this, with acting and stage productions figuring a lot more.

That said, she still writes most of these songs (only Bowie's Andy Warhol isn't by her), and she plays guitar and sings brilliantly. What a talent!

There is certainly a very theatrical style at work in these songs, something that didn't really appeal to me much in the seventies but does more these days.

Where do they all belong? She's certainly very prolific, but this is my only Dana Gillespie album.

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