Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Prime mover (Ghost) (LP 2617)

Ghost  Opus Anonymous (CD, Rise Above Records, 2010) ***  

Genre: Heavy metal; rock 

Places I remember: Keegan gave me a copy of this one.

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Prime mover

Gear costume
Con Clavi Con Dio

Active compensatory factors: Melodic metal with hooks from Sweden your thing? Look no further than Ghost. 

At times they remind me of Blue Oyster Cult. I'm a big fan of this genre and Ghost's debut album is in good company.

The album is book ended by two instrumentals and, between them, various Nameless Ghouls (as the band members call themselves) contribute some great guitar riffs and inventive prog metal songs. 

Where do they all belong? A fine addition to the metal genre. Thanks Keegan.

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