Monday, June 24, 2024

Splendid isolation (Gazpacho) (LP 2594)

Gazpacho  Missa Atropos (CD, Kscope Records, 2010) *** 

Genre: Prog rock, art rock

Places I remember: Fopp

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Vera

Gear costume: Snail

Active compensatory factors: Gazpacho is a band from Norway and this was their sixth album.

As they sing in English, you'd struggle to pick they are from Norway. The singer sounds a little like Steve Hogarth and Bruce Soord at times so comparisons to prog bands like Marillion and Pineapple Thief are inevitable.

This is a concept album - the story is about a man who seeks refuge from the world by removing himself to an abandoned lighthouse. He writes a mass for Atropos, goddess of destiny in Greek mythology, with whom he is in love. In the end, his destiny is to die, his last words are about Atropos' beauty.

All very arty and proggy. The music is also very arty and proggy. Which I do like! It's the kind of music that washes over you and you hear different things each time. You do have to be in the mood for it though, as it takes its time to deliver.

BTW - Kscope do some amazing packaging and this album is no exception - hard cover, great art work to go with the lyrics. But, the print on CDs is always small. I wish it wasn't, or else, I wish I had the vinyl version so I could read the details and lyrics without squinting.

Where do they all belong? A one off in splendid isolation. 

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