Thursday, June 13, 2024

Don't walk away (The Four Tops) (LP 2555)

The Four Tops  Tonight (Vinyl, Casablanca Records, 1981) **  

Genre: Soul

Places I remember: Slow Boat Records

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperbolesWhen She Was My Girl

Gear costumeSomething To Remember

Active compensatory factors: Their first release on Casablanca was a typical eighties production effort (i.e. extremely dated in 2024).

The good news is that the Tops, including Levi Stubbs could still rise above production issues, even on the worst moment here - From A Distance, because those voices are still very much intact on these songs. 

It's not really their fault that synths and slick eighties approaches were the order of the day.

Where do they all belong? That's it for the Four Tops. A great band who had a peerless hit strewn sixties and a superb, tougher sounding seventies presence. Let's not mention the eighties too much.

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