Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The B side of love (National Lampoon) (LP 74 - 75)

National Lampoon Radio Dinner (Cassette - MCA, 1972) **
National Lampoon Goodbye Pop (Vinyl - Epic, 1975) ***

Genre: Comedy

Places I remember: Marbeck's (stickers intact)

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Southern California Brings Me Down

Gear costume: Kung Fu Christmas, Art Rock Suite, Those Fabulous Sixties (from Radio Dinner)

Active compensatory factors: National Lampoon is an American spoof outfit that is kinda working the same adsurb side of the street as Monty Python at times.

Goodbye Pop is the more long lasting listen - featuring Bill Murray and other Lampoon stalwarts, it has some cool musical spoofs of musicians like Neil Young and genres like prog rock.

Radio Dinner is worth a listen for the Beatles spoofs, and a dynamite Lennon parody, but it's mainly spoken word stuff that is rooted in the sixties/ early seventies, so it's quite dated in comparison. 

Where do they all belong? File alongside Monty Python, Robin Williams and Cheech and Chong.

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