Thursday, February 27, 2025

Jigsaw/jingle (Mats/Morgan Band) (LP 3255 - 3256)

Mats/Morgan Band  On Air With Guests (CD, Ultimate Audio Entertainment, 2002) ***  

Mats/Morgan Band  Thanks For Flying With Us (CD, Cuneiform Records, 2005) ***  


Places I remember: Keegan Purdy gave me copies of these two albums.

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Wenji (Thanks...) (Not on your usual platforms)

Gear costume
Alive In Enskede (bonus track on Thanks...) (Not on your usual platforms)

They loom large in his legend 
(The Album Collection playlists): Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5

Active compensatory factors:
Mats/Morgan Band features Swedes Morgan Ågren and Mats Öberg. Morgan is a drummer/composer and Mats is a keyboard player/composer. The band is a showcase for their virtuosic skills which often takes on Zappa like complexity. Indeed, that's why Keegan gave me these CDs - they have a history of collaboration with Uncle Frank.

Their own music is difficult to categorize, containing elements of jazz, electronic music, waltz, dance music, avant-garde/free jazz, techno, rock, progressive and modern classical music. It's not an easy listen (Jacky asked me to take it off when I played it again for this blog entry).

Nothing from their prolific career is on Spotify.

Where do they all belong? An interesting sidebar, but not for the faint hearted.

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