Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Good morning Mr Rock'n'Roll (Headband) (LP 2713 - 2714)

Headband  Happen Out (Vinyl and CD, Harvest Records, 1972) *****  

Headband  Rock Garden (Vinyl and CD, Key Records, 1975) *** 

GenreNZ music, rock 

Places I remember: M

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Good Morning Mr Rock'n'Roll (Happen Out)

Gear costume: (I Get High) Olena (Rock Garden)

Active compensatory factors
: I have great great memories of that first album and it often figures in my top 30 albums of all time. For me, it's the best NZ record ever!

You can read a summary of the band adventures here.

Happen Out has featured before on the blog but not in this countdown. You can read my earlier thoughts here and here.

Having just heard it again, I can attest that it still rocks like a mother trucker with Tommy Adderley at his peak. 

The band regrouped for Rock Garden, but without Ron Craig (guitar) and Billy Kristian (bass). It's a crucial change as the album isn't as inspired as the debut and there are a few dodgy moments - the cover is a mistake, even though Tommy liked it, and a few of the songs contain some dodgy misogynistic moments.

The other crucial missing ingredient was the brilliant producer Peter Dawkins, who was leading the line on Happen Out.

Where do they all belong? A search for Headband singles is a work in progress.

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