Sunday, August 18, 2024

The last door (Bruce/Trower) (LP 2675)

Jack Bruce, Robin Trower  Seven Moons Live (CD, Ruf Records, 2009) ****  

Genre: Blues rock

Places I remember: Real Groovy Records

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: The Last Door

Gear costume: Politician

Active compensatory factors: Even though his voice is showing signs of wear and tear, Jack is in good form on this live date from 2009 in Holland. He and Robin are joined by drummer Gary Husband in the power trio format that allows each musician room to maneuver.

Note: this album is also called Songs From the Road (with a different cover).

They play songs from their Seven Moons album, plus some sterling versions of some Cream classics: Sunshine Of Your Love; White Room, and best of all - Politician.

Lord knows how many times he's played this song live but he still manages to conjure up the magic. Remarkable.

Where do they all belong? I picked this one up recently from Real Groovy - I'm always looking to add to the Jack Bruce collection, regardless of format.

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