Tuesday, November 19, 2019

No man is an island young lady! (Tony Hancock) (LP 350)

Tony Hancock The Blood Donor, The Radio Ham (Vinyl, Marble Arch, 1968) ***

Genre: Comedy 

Places I remember: Charity shop in Caterham

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: The Blood Donor

Gear costume:  The Radio Ham 

Active compensatory factors: Recorded on my birthday in 1961 (I was 4) and released on Pye's budget label in 1968, this is comedy genius folks!

Hancock's Half Hour was a regular radio feature along with The Goon Show, and The Clitheroe Kid when I was growing up. I loved HHH especially.

Background from wikipedia: Two episodes from Hancock, made after he split from Sid James, are among his best-remembered: "The Blood Donor", in which he goes to a clinic to give blood, contains some famous lines, including "I don't mind giving a reasonable amount, but a pint! That's very nearly an armful!"; in "The Radio Ham", Hancock plays an amateur radio enthusiast who receives a mayday call from a yachtsman in distress, but his incompetence prevents him from taking his position. Both of these programmes were re-recorded a few months later for a commercial 1961 LP, produced in the same manner as the radio episodes.

As a young nipper (and now for that matter), I am particularly drawn to his accent and comic timing. He can say a simple line and I'm grinning!

Where do they all belong? In my youth.

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