Saturday, November 30, 2024

Comin' home baby (Luther Johnson) (LP 2898)

Luther Johnson (and The Muddy Waters Blues Band)  Chicken Shack (Vinyl, Muse Records, 1974) ****  

Genre: Blues 

Places I remember: Little Red Bookshop

Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: Mini Dress

Gear costume: Evil

They loom large in his legend (The Album Collection playlists): Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

Active compensatory factors: There are a few Luther Johnsons in the blues pantheon. This one is Luther 'Georgia Boy' Johnson, a.k.a. Luther 'Georgia Boy Snake' Johnson.

Chicken Shack came out at the tail end of his career but you would never know it (tragically he passed away in 1976 from cancer while in his forties). There are some stingingly great electric blues lines on this long player.

His history with Muddy Waters goes back to 1966 when he joined the great one's backing band.

Among The Muddy Waters Blues Band on this occasion are Otis Spann on piano, Muddy Waters on guitar and George 'Mojo' Buford. As you can imagine they are superb!

Luther himself has a great voice, as well as being a talented guitarist. It's tough picking a highlight - each track is great.

Where do they all belong? Do yourself a favour and have a listen to Luther via YouTube. Sadly, it's not on Spotify.

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