Tom Jones Long Lost Suitcase (CD, Virgin Records, 2015) ***
Genre: Pop
Places I remember: Shona Walding's collection
Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: I Wish You Would
Gear costume: Bring it On Home
Fab, and all the other pimply hyperboles: I Wish You Would
Gear costume: Bring it On Home
They loom large in his legend (The Album Collection playlists): Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
Active compensatory factors: His 40th studio album! And my first. I have liked various songs along the way, but I've never felt the urge to buy any of his albums.
Active compensatory factors: His 40th studio album! And my first. I have liked various songs along the way, but I've never felt the urge to buy any of his albums.
This one is a great place to start. His voice is a force, still. The variety is here, the earthiness, the power, the blues shouting excellence and even some subtlety (listen to Bring It On Home for instance).
Great to hear him have a go at the Rolling Stones' Factory Girl. The backing is terrific - very rootsy - as is the rest of the album. Ethan Johns does a sterling silver service job as producer.
Where do they all belong? A welcome addition, thanks to Shona and her sister - thanks Terese.
Where do they all belong? A welcome addition, thanks to Shona and her sister - thanks Terese.